5 Reasons to Take an Artistic Sabbatical

In our fast-paced and demanding world, finding time to pursue our passions can often feel like an impossible feat. Whether you're a professional artist or someone who simply enjoys creative endeavors, taking an artistic sabbatical can be a transformative experience. If you’re wondering what I mean by an artistic sabbatical, I really just mean a dedicated period of time taken off from your routine to focus solely on artistic pursuits.

If you follow me on Instagram, then you’re aware that I recently took my own artistic sabbatical. Although it didn't quite start off like how I dreamt it up in my head, with three flights, and delays, and then lost baggage.. it was a bit more chaos than I had anticipated. After all that was dealt with I really did make it a priority not to overload my days, and allow the freedom to connect with other creatives, do some shooting, walk around the city, and visit art galleries. Honestly, it was exactly what my little creative soul needed.

I really believe that each and every one of us deserves a little sabbatical. Whether it be in your same city, the lake, or somewhere farther away, like Montreal for example. It really does depend on what you feel called to. Therefore I put together this blog post where we'll explore five compelling reasons why you should take time for an artistic sabbatical, and I’ve included a few images from a couple of creative shoots I did while away. Enjoy!

1. Reconnect with Your Creative Essence:

As life gets busier, it's easy to lose touch with the core of your artistic expression. By taking an artistic sabbatical, it offers you a chance to reconnect with your creative essence, rekindle your passion, and discover new sources of inspiration. By stepping away from daily responsibilities, you can dive deeper into your artistic practice, experiment with new techniques, and explore uncharted artistic territories. This reconnection allows you to tap into your innermost thoughts, emotions, and ideas, leading to a renewed sense of purpose and authenticity in your creative work.

2. Cultivate Personal Growth:

Artistic sabbaticals provide a fertile ground for personal growth and self-reflection. By stepping outside your comfort zone and immersing yourself in a focused artistic journey, you can gain valuable insights about yourself and your artistic process. Through introspection and self-discovery, you may uncover hidden talents, confront artistic challenges, and develop a stronger sense of self. This period of self-growth and exploration can have a profound impact on both your art and your overall well-being.

3. Break Free from Creative Blocks:

Creative blocks are common roadblocks that artists encounter at various stages of their artistic journey. These blocks can be caused by stress, self-doubt, or a lack of inspiration. An artistic sabbatical offers a unique opportunity to break free from these constraints. By stepping away from external pressures and dedicating uninterrupted time to your art, you can reignite your creative spark. Engaging in activities such as attending workshops, collaborating with other artists, or exploring new artistic mediums can help you overcome creative blocks and discover fresh perspectives.

4. Enhance Artistic Skills:

Skill development is a lifelong pursuit for any artist. An artistic sabbatical grants you the time and space to refine your craft, experiment with new techniques, and push the boundaries of your abilities. Whether you're a painter, a writer, a musician, or any other kind of artist, dedicating yourself fully to your art allows you to sharpen your skills and expand your artistic repertoire. Learning from experts, attending specialized training programs, or engaging in self-guided learning during your sabbatical can lead to significant artistic growth.

5. Restore Balance and Prevent Burnout:

In the midst of our hectic lives, burnout can often sneak up on us. An artistic sabbatical serves as a powerful antidote to burnout, providing much-needed rest, rejuvenation, and a fresh perspective. Stepping away from the daily grind and immersing yourself in the artistic process can be incredibly therapeutic and restorative. It allows you to recharge your creative batteries, find a sense of balance, and return to your daily life with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Taking an artistic sabbatical is not a luxury but a vital investment in your artistic journey and personal well-being. By disconnecting from routine, you can reconnect with your creative self, grow personally, overcome creative blocks, enhance your skills, and restore balance in your life. Whether you can afford to take a few weeks, months, or even just a few days, the benefits of an artistic sabbatical are immeasurable. Prioritize your artistic passions, honor your creative spirit, and start planing yours today!


Thank you to Kristina of Stray MGMT for organizing a team for this creative shoot. Thank you to Lox for modelling, and Zmi for the wardrobe styling. Also a thank you to Gunner Tropeau for allowing me to experiment one evening in Old Montreal.


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